EAR for Infants (less than 1 year old)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Because an infant's tounge is proportionally larger it is more likely to block the airway, so be sure the airway is open when you give EAR. The breathing rate is the same as for children: 1 puff every 3 seconds. The EAR technique is similar to that for children with the following differences:
- Steady the infant's head continuously because it is unstable.
- Do not tilt back the head, but support the jaw.
- Avoid putting any pressure on the soft tissues under the infants chin because this could obstruct the airway.
- Cover both infant's mouth and nose with your mouth.
- Use gentle puffs of air from your cheeks only. Use just enough pressure to make the chest rise to avoid distending the infant's stomach.
- After giving 5 puffs, check for signs of circulation.
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