Transporting the Victim

Monday, August 9, 2010

In a remote area or in a unusual circumstance, you might consider transporting the victim to the hospital yourself if the victim's condition is not severe. This is an important decision. Don't transport a victim with a life- threatening condition or one who has many chance of developing a life- threatening condition. As a general rule, call for an ambulance because a car trip can be painful for the victim and may aggravate the injury or cause additional injury. If you must transport the victim yourself, ask someone else to come with you. One person should drive while the other helps keep the victim comfortable. Be sure you know the quickest route to the nearest medical facility with emergency care capabilities. Pay close attention to the victim and watch for any changes in the victim's condition. Discourage any ill or injured person from driving to the hospital. An injury may restrict movement, or the victim may become giddy or faint. The sudden onset on pain may be distracting. Also, an injured or ill person may drive faster or more erratically than normal. Any of these conditions can make driving dangerous for the victim, passengers, pedestrians, and other road users.


About This Blog

This blog has been designed to facilitate your learning and understanding of how to do First Aid especially when responding to emergencies. You can follow the step-by-step plan of action for an emergency and provide care for injuries or sudden illness until professional medical help arrives. First aid training will clarify for you when and how to call for emergency medical help, eliminating confusion that can occur in an emergency.

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