Guidlines to Follow During Training
Saturday, August 7, 2010
To protect yourself and other participants from infection, you should adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Provide a manikin.Wash your hands thoroughly before working with the manikin, and repeat hand washing before each new contact with the manikin.
2. Don't eat,drink, use tobacco products or chew gum when manikins are used.
3. Only stimulate clearing a partner's airway of foreign material; don't insert fingers in a colleague's mouth.
4. Practice mouth-to-mouth and mouth-to-mask techniques of ventilation on the manikin, not on other people.
5. Following use, scrub the manikin's face or mouth-nose pieces with a nailbrush using a solution of soap and water. Rinse the pieces in clean water and dry them before disinfecting.
6. Discard lung bags and other disposable items into an appropriate container; don't contaminate the manikins or the surrounding area with used equipment.
CPR requires strenuous activity. If you have a medical condition or disability, don't do CPR.
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